There are plenty of ways to get involved at Essex CHIPS. We invite community members of all ages to join our programs and make a difference in the lives of youth.
Opportunities are available for all high school students and adults to volunteer in our Teen Center or to help fundraise.
Make a difference in a child’s life by building a meaningful one-on-one relationship within the school environment. Mentors must be 21 years or older.
Participate in monthly Board meetings, community outreach, and seasonal fundraising events. Applications for youth and adult positions accepted year-round.
You can make a great difference to improve and sustain our valuable work to support local youth. Gifts of any size are welcome, including in-kind items to support our programs.
Spreading the word about, attending, volunteering your help with, or donating at fundraisers are great ways to support CHIPS. Check our Events page to see if there are any coming up.